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Mandy Stewart was raised in Central America and the United States, and has enjoyed living and working in a wide range of communities. In addition to guest experience and operations, Mandy has focused on the aerial adventure industry for 20+ years. She worked on her first project with ERi in 2006, joined the team officially in 2016, and accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer and Co-Owner in 2018.

Mandy has completed her term of service (honorable discharge) on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors for the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT). She was one of the first people approved worldwide as an ACCT Operation Reviewer and currently chairs the ACCT Women’s Affinity Group.

Mandy is an active member of ASTM International F24 Committee on Amusement Rides and Devices, helping to write international safety standards for a broad rage of attractions. She is a Founder and served several terms as the first Chair of the Board of Directors of The Alliance Collaborative (“The Alliance”), a non-profit dedicated to rethinking the challenge course industry by promoting and enabling collaboration amongst individuals, organizations, and companies.

Mandy specializes in creating systems to ensure that everyone’s needs are met completely and efficiently, from owner/operators to regulatory bodies. In 2016 Mandy received the first ever ACCT Community Award for Outstanding Service. When not she’s taking care of her team, she’s often traveling the world in search of adventure and great things to eat.