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ERi - Operation Review.jpg

The ACCT Standards state that an operation “shall engage in a review of its practices by an external qualified person(s), at least once every five (5) years”. Additionally, the regulatory environment for ziplines, aerial adventure parks, and challenge courses is always evolving. In recent years we’ve found that many of our clients would like a hand in understanding what they need to be doing to remain compliant within their Authority Having Jurisdiction’s (AHJ’s) regulations and industry standards. Other clients want to tap into our team’s operations experience and learn how they can best achieve specific targets. ERi enjoys partnering with our clients to ensure that they understand and are capable of meeting their local regulatory needs, and that they have everything they need to achieve internal operations goals.

Services that we provide to assist include:

  • Operation reviews for existing programs and attractions in order to meet requirements for ACCT Operation Accreditation, as well as assess and improve according to specific organizational goals

  • General audits for compliance, resulting in a report of suggested needs and action steps to meet the requirements of your AHJ

  • Operation consulting for new programs and attractions, including onsite mentoring and support through initial staff training and Grand Openings

  • Reviews of operations-based documentation, providing suggested improvements and additional needs

  • Creation of full operations documentation packages, including site-specific manuals, inspection and maintenance programs and forms, training programs and forms, and internal safety and incident monitoring systems

  • Site visits to evaluate project feasibility and develop analysis reports